Japanese whisky is produced using techniques and In a style that is similar to scotch whisky. To be more precise, there are primary forms of whisky. Grain whisky and malt whisky can both be created in continuous column stills or conventional copper pot stills from malted barley. Blended whisky is what you get if you decide to make whisky by combining the two of these. Since single malt whiskies are typically found in higher-end commodities in Scotland, blends are typically found on the lower end of the quality whisky spectrum. There are exceptions, though as there are with most crafts, but this does function as a sound guiding principle. As an outcome, Scotland's grain whisky industry is mostly driven by commodities and high volume sometimes at the expense of quality. But that's a topic for another day, another conversation, and another venue.
The emphasis on creating premium blends is the main distinction between this and Japanese whisky production. You must produce your grain whisky with caution to achieve this. Due to its accessibility, I recently decided to drink The Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky for a Japanese recently decided Tasting night for our whisky group. The strong demand and low supply make Japanese whisky difficult to get, and this whisky is competitively priced-again, well priced for Japanese whisky-because of those supply and demand issues. A 100% grain whisky is also a novel creation in the whisky business. This maize whisky is created in Nikka's Miyagikyo distillery.
This maize whisky is created in one of two continuous Coffey stills that Nikka has been running for more than 50 years. 45% ABV in bottles.
The Nikka Coffey grain Japanese whisky is in some respects a bit more like a bourbon than a typical scotch since there is no indication of any malt whisky in the bottle. No, it's not Japanese Bourbon or even Japanese corn whisky. This is different. Although there is no age declaration, the average age of this whisky is between 8 and 12 years. The profile is sweet and silky. Yet it doesn't leave your mouth feeling overly sweet. Along with honey wine and peaches, a few vanilla and cinnamon are added to the taste.
This has more sweet spices, mango and papaya scents, coconut flavor, and candied orange peel rather than coffee malt and they are more palatable and fruitier.